Not everyone can spend $1 million or more on a second home, even if it’s with the idea that eventually you’ll retire there. So when MoneyWise’s list of 40 places to retire that are more budget-friendly came out, we were curious — what kind of homes could you find in these towns?
Last week, we looked at the 38th city on the list — The Woodlands, Texas. This week, we look at Torrance, California, and found you could find a great selection well within the mid-$300,000 range to just slightly more than the median price of $600,000.
So why is Torrance on the list? In short, it’s close to Los Angeles, but provides that smaller community feel that some might desire, the publication said.
“If you like the idea of living near Los Angeles but would prefer living in a smaller community, Torrance could be just the place you’re looking for!” MoneyWise said. “This town is home to California’s famous sunny weather and promises easy access to nearby beaches.”
“It’s a little pricier than some of the communities we have listed so far, with a median home value of $600,000,” the piece continued. “Median household income is just below $80,000. With 15 healthcare centers, Torrance is a good place for medical care.”
While we can’t get you amazing views or ocean sightings in this price range (that’s going to cost you a bit more), we do have three options — a budget-friendly, lock-and-leave condo and the two renovated homes 15 minutes or so from the beach.