We love the diverse background that Rogers Healy and Associates Realtor Alex Prins brings to the real estate industry. He’s done everything, it seems. From skincare to writing, Prins has turned his personality and tenacity into a successful career in one of the most demanding industries in America.
For those reasons, Prins has been named our Great Western Home Loans featured Realtor. What has your lender done for you lately? Find out more about the unequaled service you can expect from Great Western Home Loans by calling Jeff Lindigrin today.
Jump to read more about how Prins, an animal lover nonpareil, has turned challenges into character-building moments that define him.
daltxrealestate.com: So, where are you from?
Alex Prins: From my accent you probably can’t tell, but when I say “you guys” most people get a sense. I was born in Chicago and raised in the great state and birthplace of Brett Favre — good ole’ Mississippi.
CD: So, how did you get into real estate? What’s your specialty?
AP: Gosh. Real estate has always been an interest to me, but as I got older I wanted to truly do something that had meaning. I grew up in foster care and eventually was adopted by my foster parents. I knew what it was like not to have a home and I wanted to truly give back in some way. So I became a Realtor, started a business for shelter animals, and now I help others find homes. My parents taught me to always stay grounded and try to give back as much as I can. Real estate is so personal to me.
CD: How do you stay sharp in a challenging market?
AP: Well, I work for Rogers Healy. He truly is an inspiration and mentor. He keeps us on top of the game with continual education and all the love and support to keep us excited about RReal estate. Not to mention I read daltxrealestate.com almost daily! [CD: We’re blushing!]
CD: Where is home for you in Dallas?
AP: Vickery Place
CD: And you drive a … let me guess, Range Rover?
AP: I wish I had a Range Rover. I’ve been in real estate for a year this upcoming October, so I stick with my Honda hybrid. Forty miles to the gallon, oh yeah!
CD: What’s your favorite ‘hood in Dallas and why?
AP: I live so close to SMU. So Greenville Avenue in my strip. You can catch me grabbing a burger at Twisted Root or jamming out at the Granada.
CD: What was your best/highest sale?
AP: My biggest sale was a group effort. Huge shout out to Katy Chu from our firm on helping me close a $1.6 million commercial deal at Godwin Lewis in Houston. Also, mad props to Rogers Healy for giving me the confidence to go out and get it done.
CD: Likewise, what was your most challenging or memorable transaction?
AP: I love a challenge and real estate in Dallas is very fast paced and competitive. Every transaction is memorable and somewhat challenging. First-time homebuyers have a special place in my heart though. Seeing the look of excitement on their face, that look in their eyes when I hand them their keys and tell them to go enjoy their home, it really strikes a chord in me.
CD: Tell us: What was the most interesting thing to happen to you while working with a client?
AP: I had a client that had trouble envisioning her furniture in a home … So we sat on the floor, pretended that there were couches, and were talking about our “nosy neighbors” while sipping margaritas. Strange, I know, but she bought the house.
CD: How quickly have you ever turned a house?
AP: My first transaction in the game was an all-cash, 15-day close during Thanksgiving last year … holy smokes. I was like, “What just happened? Pass the mashed potatoes.”
CD: What words of wisdom do you often share with clients?
AP: I always tell my clients that life is a journey, and I’m happy to be on it with them. Also, I remind them that their happiness is the most important thing to me. I know buying a home is one of the biggest decisions of their life and I am 100 percent dedicated to them.
CD: If you ever change careers for an encore you’ll…
AP: Well I’ve done a few things, from owning a skin care business, writing for a health magazine and newspaper, and now real estate. I wouldn’t trade real estate for anything, but house flipping looks like fun.
CD: Do you have a second home? If so, where?
AP: Rogers Healy and Associates is my second home and I truly mean that. The dedication, the mentoring, his humble attitude, and the culture that Rogers has created is electric. I can’t wait to see what my second year in real estate looks like and with so many other brokers out there, I’m glad to know I have a place to call home.
CD: We are, too!