COVID-19 has not gone away. While the virus is still very much a threat to all of us, recent reports and declarations by government officials to re-open public places have given a much-needed injection of optimism and confidence to many in Tarrant County.

Real estate was not shut down during the past many weeks, however, there are many stories from Realtors that need to be shared. Tarrant County Tuesday is starting a new series sharing stories of local agents around the area who deal with all different price points of homes. Hopefully this will give perspective and confidence to all. Enjoy!
Carley Moore, League Real Estate
Carley Moore has been in real estate for over a decade in the Fort Worth area with great success. She is an agent for the local Fort Worth brokerage League Real Estate. Tarrant County Tuesday appreciates her time and insight!
What was real estate like Before & During COVID-19?
Carley: “Before COVID-19, the real estate market in Tarrant County was gearing up to be another strong year. It came to a grinding halt for about two weeks once the shelter-in-place was announced. No one knew what to do or how to do it. After another two-to-three weeks we started figuring out how to continue business with technology and safe social distancing while showing and selling homes.

“Technology is obviously playing a bigger role in every phase of real estate from office meetings to client meetings to home tours. That part is here to stay. Those agents and companies that embrace technology that will be most successful going forward.
“Most clients still will prefer face-to-face interaction, but it’s nice to know that technologies are there as an added bonus.”
Thoughts on real estate market going forward?
Carley: “The Spring market is essentially three months behind schedule. We also have an election this year and that tends to slow the market a bit…so it could be that June – September are the crazy-busy selling months of the year in 2020. Sellers that need to sell will list their homes and buyers that need to buy will want to move quickly. It’s going to be at a frantic pace. Inventory might not catch up to demand anytime soon.”
Anything you’ve seen or done differently in your business?
Carley: “I’ve always been a positive person and my goal is to remain positive and impart that on my clients. We are all in this roller coaster together, but thankfully it seems to be slowing down a little bit.
“Twenty-twenty is not what any of us expected it to be but I do hope it creates the change we all need to come together, to be better, to do better, to love better and to realize our human limitations yet find ways in which to grow personally and professionally.”

Interesting stories or tidbits you’d like to share?
Carley: “Multiple offers are still happening for my sellers and buyers in a varied price range. However, other homes are oddly moving much slower with activity and offers. These homes may require a shift in price, marketing, and more boots-on-the-ground hustle.
“At the end of the day, a home still has to be priced right and presented right to sell in a timely manner. The hardest part is being objective enough about what a property has to offer and being able to frame discussions with both buyers and sellers in order to help them make the most informed decisions. I can’t make decisions for my clients obviously, but I can do my best to support their choices with professionally based informative conversations.”