So, imagine this. You come home, and realize that your back door (which you shut) is open, and you realize someone — even a burglar — has been in your house.
Now, I’d like to think I’d be all Texan and ready to rumble, but let’s be honest, it would be more this:
than this:
And honestly, it would probably be more like this:
But imagine walking into your house, realizing someone had been inside it while you were gone, and then …
cleaned it?
But that’s exactly what happened to Nate Roman of Marlborough, Massachusetts. Whoever entered his house didn’t take him to the cleaners — they took the cleaners to him.
“They scrubbed everything down. They did the shower, did the toilets,” he told the local ABC affiliate. In fact, they cleaned every room except the kitchen, and even folded the toilet paper into origami roses.
He says he was weirded out and called the police. Police said they’ve had no other calls like it.
Now, I have a theory about that. It’s called: OMG FOOL SOMEONE CLEANED YOUR HOUSE JUST BE HAPPY.
I mean, if you wanna break in and clean my house, let me know. You don’t even have to make toilet paper roses. Seriously, you all know how much it costs to have a housecleaner come on the regular, right?
But maybe the police haven’t heard anything about any other similar crimes because people know that if the house cleaning burglar comes to your house it’s not creepy, it’s Mr. Clean.
Sorry, I got sidetracked. Did you guys know there’s a whole category of Mr. Clean thirst pics?
Anyway, what say you? Gift horse you should not look in the mouth of, or creepy? How do you feel about Mr. Clean now? Sound off in the comments.