The brand new behemoth in The Colony, Nebraska Furniture Mart of Texas, will open next month, and the store is doing a series of giveaways to kick off their opening. The first giveaway closes tomorrow, and includes a $1,000 gift card. You can enter to win the big bucks via their Facebook page. The only requirement is that you live in Texas. Otherwise, you can start imagining what you’d spend that sweet gift card on when you enter!
We’ve talked about Nebraska Furniture Mart before, and how it’s basically several big box concepts rolled into one. For someone who’s looking to buy several pieces for their home, not having to go from store to store to store, and then coordinate three different deliveries, this kind of shopping experience will be incredibly convenient. You’re also guaranteed to get the lowest price on your purchase, as Nebraska Furniture Mart checks its prices against some of the biggest retailers, including
What would you do with a $1,000 gift card to Nebraska Furniture Mart of Texas?