I love Jen Hatmaker. Seriously. Just love her. A friend of mine who lives in Buda introduced me to her a while back. They lived in the same neighborhood and I swear, my friend has the most gigantic girl crush on Jen. After a while I realized that it was completely justified.
So now Jen has gone and combined two things I love — great writers with sharp humor and home design — in her HGTV show that debuts tonight at 10 p.m. It’s called “My Big Family Renovation” and it’s eight episodes following Hatmaker’s family of seven through eight months of completely gutting a two-bedroom, two-bath 1908 farmhouse and turning it into the family home she’s always dreamed of.

“It was as insane as you think it was,” Hatmaker writes. Hatmaker and her husband, Brandon, lived in the detached garage apartment, the three boys lived in an RV, and the girls lived in “whatever room wasn’t currently demolished inside.”
“We had no heat, no kitchen, no living room, no closets, no privacy, no clean surface, and no idea what we were doing,” Hatmaker added. “We laughed and slogged our way through a massive renovation and ended up with a precious farmhouse with an industrial flair. We also ended up with 12 chickens, but that is another story.”
So tune in tonight for two 30-minute episodes that launch the “My Big Family Renovation” starring the Hatmaker family and their Buda farmhouse at 10 p.m. tonight on HGTV. You’ll be glad you did.