Comes word that the tear down of the Bud Oglesby home at 10300 Strait came sooner rather than later.
In fact, she is gone, her body laid to a fitful rest somewhere in Lewisville …
She was born in 1971 and built with wide galleries for art display connecting three main wings, all surrounding a central courtyard. The sitting room off the master had a fireplace and viewed the pond: you know Oglesby on his perfect sitings.. There were four additional bedrooms each with en suite baths. The kitchen was in the rear with a butlers pantry, laundry room, den, another fireplace and wet bar. The estate also has a pool and tennis court, maybe saved? There were a 3 car garage, and 2 room of quarters.
The home is survived by three owners, Margaret Jonsson Rogers, Erik Jonsson’s daughter, who commissioned Oglesby, the Dedmans, and the McReynolds.
The lot is probably the most desirable on Strait Lane, sitting in the middle of the street, selected back when the area was virgin, home-less land, ponies roaming and no waterparks.
10300 Strait was designed and built by one of the city’s most influential, historical architects, owned by two of the city’s most philanthropic families, sited on acreage that was once considered the country but now very much within the city. It has enjoyed lifeas an elegant, tasteful mansion, without gobbling up the land with unnecessary square footage.
The new owners brought in the heavy equipment last week and trucks were hauling away the remains of the house since Wednesday.