The big real estate news in town is that Dave Perry Miller, the high end luxury boutique firm with those regal blue and gold signs all over town, has a new manager of the Preston Center office. Her name is Gaynelle Henger, and she’s replacing Bud Bush at Dave Perry-Miller’s outpost in Preston Hollow, as he is moving to Ebby’s corporate office to analyze finances for DPM.
Bush has worked with Dave Perry-Miller for almost eight years, when Dave Perry-Miller sold the luxury boutique firm he built from the ground up to Ebby Halliday. Gaynelle comes to the table as a top producing agent at Ebby Halliday. But of course there was much more to the story than meets the eye, as Dave delighted in telling his office. Gaynelle Henger has been in the real estate world since 2003, after a successful career in corporate marketing and advertising. Surprise surprise, her career change was actually inspired by Dave himself. In 1989, Dave represented Gaynelle and her husband, Mac, when they bought one of his listings. That was 6125 McCommas, the home of Elaine and Neils Agather. Gaynelle remembered it as a three-sided crazy transaction: Dave ended up going through FIVE closings in one day all just for this one house. To say it was a complicated deal is putting it mildly.
Still, Gaynelle and Dave emerged as fast friends. “She was as smooth and as prepared as any homeowner I’ve ever worked with,” Perry-Miller said. “And it really spoke to her potential as a manager.” It may have also inspired her husband, who, when Gaynelle sought a change from her career, suggested real estate.