Though we realize that this month’s Guardian Angel from Guardian Mortgage isn’t from around here, David Stout does have a lot of the characteristics you’ll find in a true Texan. We forgive this New York native for his Yankee past, but we have to laud his wonderful ability to guide his clients through one of the most stressful transactions in their lives.
“Each customer has a different story, a different history, and a different goal,” said Stout. “I make sure I know and understand all three before beginning the process with them.”
Now that’s a sentiment worth applauding, and that’s one of the reasons this sports fan is this month’s Guardian Angel. Stout goes the extra mile for his clients in their mortgage process, and makes sure they are educated about their loan options. Now that’s service worth recognizing!
Read more about Stout after the jump!
CandysDirt:What is it that got you interested and brought you to the mortgage industry?
David Stout: I had the opportunity to attend quite a few Realtor functions before getting into the mortgage industry. I saw several loan officers at these functions, and after hearing what they had to say and getting the opportunity to speak with them one-on-one about the role, I thought “I can do that”
CD: You’ve been involved in the industry for a long time now. How have the ups and downs of the housing market effected the way you approach working with new customers, specifically first-time homebuyers?
Stout: I don’t think I approach it in a drastically different manner from most other loan officers. I just make it a point to appreciate each customer and what they are going through to buy a home. Each customer has a different story, a different history, and a different goal. I make sure I know and understand all three before beginning the process with them.
Taking the time to learn these things about my clients ensures I have a true understanding of their needs and that we get them the right solution. It also builds trust and a long-term relationship.
CD: Are you a native to the Metroplex?
Stout: Actually no; I am originally from upstate New York.
CD: What types of activities do you enjoy participating in around Dallas and Fort Worth?
Stout: I really enjoy sports and clearly, Dallas is a great town for that! You can always find me either attending or watching Ranger games, Stars games, Cowboys games, and Mavericks games.
CD: What is the best advice you can provide those looking to purchase a second or vacation home in 2015?
Stout: Right now is a great time to buy! Interest rates are low, markets are stabilizing and housing prices are still relatively low (although they are starting to rise again). Now is also a great time to by a second home for vacation or investment purposes.
CD: What drives you to do what you do every day?
Stout: Helping people achieve their goals.