If you don’t know Virginia Cook Realtor Kyle Rovinsky yet, you really have to ask yourself, “Why not!?” This gentleman is full of surprises, and he knows North Dallas better than almost anyone! He has a past in TV, and can sell ice to Eskimos he’s so smooth. Plus, he truly has a brain for the numbers side of real estate, and can calculate more than just 3 percent of a home’s selling price.
In fact, this smart, hardworking Realtor reminds us a lot of Jeff Lindigrin, who goes the extra mile for his clients. What has your lender done for you lately? Find out about the gold standard of service you get from Jeff Lindigrin of Great Western Home Loans.
Jump to find out more fun facts on Kyle Rovinsky!
daltxrealestate.com: So, where are you from?
Kyle Rovinsky: Born and raised right here in Dallas. In 1967 my parents took me home from Baylor hospital to Yamini Drive. I went to UT and have spent 90% of my life within 250 miles of the hospital where I was born.
CD: So, how did you get into real estate? What’s your specialty?
KR: I spent ten years working as a sports producer at Channel 4. I was hired by Ted Dawson, then carried Craig James for a year…then had the joy of working with Mike Doocy. After 10 years you realize it is tough to make a living in TV from behind the camera, so I went to work for a family business. After a few years there, I caught the real estate bug. My specialty is “real estate algebra”. I love the challenge of determining value for property.
CD: How do you stay sharp in a challenging market?
A: I am up at 6am every day looking at changes in the marketplace. I run over 100 auto searches in MLS. I don’t deal in areas, I deal in MICRO areas.
CD: Where is home for you in Dallas?
KR: Briar Ridge Estates in Far North Dallas (Preston and Frankford). Laura Michelle with Dave Perry-Miller Real Estate was the listing agent for the house we bought and she is super awesome! My across the street neighbor is NFL Hall of Famer Mike Singleterry.
CD: And you drive a … let me guess, Range Rover?
KR: 2010 Lexus ES350. I bought it used because the body style looks exactly like the 2013. I thought people would think I was driving a new car when they see it.
CD: What’s your favorite ‘hood in Dallas and why?
KR: Janmar and Hill Haven Heights. It’s where I grew up. It’s where my heart is. Hill Haven Heights is home to a large collection of architecturally significant mid-century modern homes protected by a neighborhood architectural board. One of the houses in the area was actually desigend by Frank Lloyd Wright. Janmar has the best topography in the city (yes, even better than Bluffview – unless I am working with someone from Bluffview…then Bluffview is better). The meandering blacktop streets, the undulating, hilly terrain, is is like country living in the city.
CD: What was your best/highest sale?
KR: On Cornell in Highland Park for $2.75M.
CD: Likewise, what was your most challenging or memorable transaction?
KR: A few years ago a prospect had two seven-figure spec houses in Preston Hollow that were not moving. He came to me and asked for a price for each house that would guarantee a sale in 30 days. I gave him the numbers and he gave me 30-day listing agreements on both houses. This prospect worried me because I spend a significant amount of money with my custom marketing strategies, but I usually count on a least 5 months to recoup my personal investment. I took the listings and sold both houses within the 30 day period after both had been on the market for 400-plus days with no activity.
CD: Tell us: What was the most interesting thing to happen to you while working with a client?
KR: One time I went into a prospective listing in Melshire Estates and the house had been converted into a hydroponic marijuana farm. All the windows had been boarded up, and it was all black lights. It was the most surprising thing I have ever experienced.
CD: How quickly have you ever turned a house?
KR: Again, a teardown in Melshire Estates. Signed the listing agreement, then posted a four-line blurb on Facebook and got multiple offers over list within 4 hours.
CD: How much did you sell last year?
KR: 46 transactions for just under $30 million.
CD: What words of wisdom do you often share with clients?
KR: “When buying your home for your family, do not think like a “flipper.” If you only plan on living in the home for 24 months, then $10,000 may seem like a lot of money. If you are thinking about your family’s happiness, that amount turns into a rounding error of the life of the home.”
CD: If you ever change careers for an encore you’ll…
KR: … be a lounge singer.
CD: Do you have a second home? If so, where?
KR: We do not have a second home but we are blessed that my in-laws do. Beaver Creek, Colo. It is amazing and they are very generous to share it with us.