David Bush Realtor Joe Kacynski is one of the top Realtors in Hollywood/Santa Monica, and he’s hosting and sponsoring a home on this year’s tour. He’s a HSMNA home tour veteran and has lived all over East Dallas, but is in love with Hollywood Heights. I mean, who isn’t really? This adorable neighborhood — a well-curated collection of Tudors and traditionals — has a wide and fervent fan base!
We wanted to know more about Kacynski’s home tour experience and what he is doing to get ready for this year’s tour, which is scheduled for the weekend of April 26 and 27. Find out more about this year’s tour and buy your tickets on the Hollywood/Santa Monica Neighborhood Association website.
Joanna England: Which home is yours?
Joe Kacynski: Its 6803 San Mateo and 821 Newell. It’s the duplex that is on tour this year. It’s the first time a true duplex will be showcased in the neighborhood.
England: Exciting! So, tell me about what drew you to Hollywood/Santa Monica?
Kacynski: I lived here for many years and moved to Washington, D.C. Moving back I lived in Cochran Heights and the M Streets and moved back to Hollywood Heights when the opportunity came up. The sense of community over here is amazing. I’ve been on the Home Tour before, so looking forward to it again. The other areas didn’t have that “neighborhood” feel that Hollywood has.
England: We’ve heard some pretty amazing neighbors-helping-neighbors stories from Realtors. That kind of community is hard to find in any city! So, what are you doing this year to get your home ready for the tour?
Kacynski: Not much … LOL. Gayle McKool, the owner, has just completed a two-year renovation of both sides of the duplex. There are amazing space-saving ideas and she has made use of every inch of space. The yard is getting a final sprucing up and we will be ready. I do have an amazing second-floor deck that is getting a makeover just in time for tour. I’ve been on the neighborhood tour before, and the second time, it’s much more relaxing knowing what to expect.
England: Oh I love decks! Especially when they capitalize on great views! What was your learning experience from last time? How are you better prepared for this one?
Kacynski: I learned not to sweat the little stuff … most people don’t notice the little things that we tend to notice when we live there. This time I’ve teamed with a great landscaper from Brumley Gardens and a great Florist to do the finishing touches. I’m going to make this tour much more fun!
England: So, after the last tour-goer leaves, what do you do? Dance a little jig? Finally exhale? Have a stiff drink?
Kacynski: Since most of the volunteers are friends, we will probably finish up with a toast to the neighborhood with a little bubbly and then collapse.
England: Ah, yes, the volunteers! I’ve received a couple of pleas from friends to volunteer. Is there bribery involved?
Kacynski: My home volunteers are getting wine-a-ritas to drink during the tour, so volunteer here!
England: LOL! I am so excited to hear about how folks deal with the questions tour-goers ask. What’s the weirdest question you’ve had?
Kacynski: “Now where does the lady of the house put her makeup on?” and “Where in the world do you roll out your pie dough?” Mind you this was being asked in a gay couple’s house … LOL!
England: LOL! OMG! Hilarious!
Kacynski: The funniest thing was when someone came back to our house on the last tour and asked to use our bathroom, since it was her favorite. Others brought food to picnic in the backyard since it was so pretty … crazy!
England: HAHAHAHAHAHA! That is the best!
Kacynski: I even had one woman looking under the couch cushions!!!
England: OMG! SERIOUSLY!? Folks are cray-cray!
Kacynski: Yep…I hope she was looking for a manufacturer label!
England: Yeah, instead of looking for some spare change! HA!
Kacynski: They think its a “For Sale” Open House, so they look through closets and cupboards, too. They are crazy!
England: No kidding!? I do hear of some homeowners using home tours to sort of pre-market a home, though. How often do you think that happens?
Kacynski: Not that often over here in Hollywood Heights … We will use it in listing graphics that it was a tour home when it does go on market, but usually long after a tour is over. I don’t think any of this year’s homes would even think of selling.
England: Well, if they did consider selling, they’d have a REALLY hard time finding a home afterward. This market is NUTS!
Kacynski: Yes it is! Most of my clients in the last year have had to move to short-term rentals until the perfect home came on the market.
Well, thanks for chatting with us, Joe, and if these photos have piqued your interest, you can go out and buy your tickets to the Hollywood/Santa Monica Home Tour today, and they’re a great deal at just $15 a piece! If you’re feeling lucky, stay tuned next week because daltxrealestate.com will be giving away a free pair of tickets to this incredible little home tour in one of our favorite neighborhoods!