We’ve had so many people ask us how they can help the families and homeowners who are left with nothing after Saturday’s tornadoes ravaged neighborhoods all over Rowlett. I just chatted with Rowlett resident Clayton Bailey of Green Scene Home Inspections who says that the outpouring of support has been incredible, but those displaced have some critical needs right now.
Chief among them are the everyday items you need and use, such as diapers and infant formula, personal hygiene supplies, toiletries, dog food, non-perishable food items, and gift cards to stores where they can pick up other necessities. They’ve received loads of clothes and toys, so that’s not a desperate need right now. Of course, with the recent turn in the weather, gently used coats, as well as hats, gloves, and warm socks, are appreciated.
You can drop off donations at the First Rowlett United Methodist Church 4405 Main Street or at the MetroTex Association of Realtors office at 8201 Stemmons Freeway by 4 p.m. today, Monday Dec. 28. Additionally, Black Tie Moving is offering its trucks and crews to those who are trying to salvage their belongings, storing them until they make permanent arrangements.
Rowlett city manager Brian Funderburk said that they are opening up elementary schools to families, as most shelters are full. If you’re interested in taking a family in, stay tuned as we are checking with officials to coordinate. Stay tuned, and be sure to share this post on your social networks.
It’s been just two days since the devastating storms tore apart homes and lives in North Texas, but already people are coming together to help those in need. Bailey says that it’s just a Texas thing, neighbors helping neighbors, and that is worth its weight in gold.
“It’s amazing — I put all this out there on social media and people are reaching out wherever they are, asking how they can help,” Bailey said.
Of course, we expect nothing less than this incredible outpouring of support from the real estate community.