By Ashley Stanley
Special Contributor
Have you ever found yourself in need of a quick turn-key apartment rental. What do I mean by that? I have an investor client who lives in Plano, but is a part of Tech Wildcatters for the next three months at the Alto 211 Building on Ervay Street. Not a long commute, but the hours are odd and he simply wants a place to crash after working his brain cells all day. So he messaged me and asked if I knew of anything nearby. Yup!
After a quick search in my database there were really only two options for a short term lease. Gables Republic Tower was the closest and is definitely the most respectable building with many corporate travelers. An ambiance desired and deserved by any investor looking to unwind. Plus, check out this rooftop pool!

We saw the 10th floor unit and my client decided at the last minute he wanted a better view, so we grabbed the 23rd floor. I facilitated the tour with on-site staff, the online application and unit reservation, renter’s insurance with The Phoenix Insurance, who believed Safeco to be the best option, and we collaborated on a custom furniture rental package through CORT Furniture Rental.
Keep in mind, Day One of our search was Feb. 15 when he inquired, “Hey, I think I might need your help.” Just 13 days later and I was picking up the keys to his high rise apartment while he was in California. That’s what you call a full-service brokerage. If only my baby would wake up. Who am I kidding. Sleep son. I’ll meet the property manager for coffee later and get it then. I don’t think that’s legal, but I am not waking this kid up until the eleventh hour.
Due to inclement weather, CORT will deliver his furniture later(an unusual occurrence, as the distribution center does not operate on Sundays, but you have to keep things moving along when you have a Dallas Icemageddon). Then the real work begins bright and early Monday morning, just in time for Dallas Startup Week. The takeaway? Let a professional Downtown Dallas apartment expert locate your next relocation. Especially if you need an ASAP, fully furnished move while you are on a business trip.
When my client knew he was in good hands, he simply replied “You’re the best!” Can that be a LinkedIn skill? No, but a definite endorsement from a seasoned investor. Thanks, buddy. I’m just thankful he is happy. Nothing better than knowing you did your job well and your client’s stress level is reduced.
Feel free to give me a ring if you or anyone you know is looking for an apartment. I handle the entire DFW Metroplex, but like to consider myself the Downtown Expert. I have a new scheduling app (http://on.fb.me/1Br7XCl) on my Facebook page to help me coordinate with your time-table better. Take a look around and see if we need to chat soon! Oh no, the baby is up. Time to walk over to Republic Tower.