Today we’re going to test your knowledge of the Hollywood Heights/Santa Monica Neighborhood for a chance to win a pair of tickets to this year’s Hollywood Heights Home tour.
This year’s tour is a great route, touching on several major streets and showcasing some amazing Tudor and traditional homes, for which this conservation district is known. Hollywood/Santa Monica is an amazing neighborhood, and has a lot of cherished history.
To win these tickets, you’ll have to answer all three of these questions correctly. Email your entries to [email protected] by the end of the day Friday. We’ll announce our winner on Monday, so stay tuned! For the questions, jump!
1) Every Easter, this street inside Hollywood Heights throws an outrageous parade full of funky floats and silly string. What street is it?
2) There is one park that serves Hollywood/Santa Monica. Who was the park named for?
3) Hollywood/Santa Monica was the first-ever Conservation District in Dallas. When was it established?
Good luck, and if you don’t want to take your chances, you can buy your tickets to the home tour from the Hollywood/Santa Monica Neighborhood Association.