While the Dallas City Council — well, at least the three appointed Council members Mayor Rawlings asked to work on it — are busy re-shaping the Fair Park proposal that was presented to the entire Council by Walt Humann on August 29, others are still trying to slow the train. The City Council meets on September 21 to finalize the changes, accept or reject the plan. Word is the vote will be 10 for, 5 against.
Mayor Rawlings is now comparing Fair Park to Obamacare. “President Obama said “we gotta get health care done” and then he powered through it”… that’s how Rawlings wants to “power through” Fair park Care.
Last Saturday morning, a lively panel discussion about Fair Park took place at Paul Quinn College sponsored by the African American Leadership Institute and state senator Royce West.
At the podium were Mayor Rawlings, Walt Humann, Don Williams, Royce West, John Wiley Price and Michael Phillips (author of White Metropolis). The panel was said to be full of fireworks.
Well, now you can take a look for yourself. We’ve posted some of the shorter videos here. You can clearly see that the audience was not pleased with the Mayor’s plan. Listen for the applause after Don Williams spoke. Folks like the notion of getting a park first and serious economic development underway, not just more low paying jobs mowing lawns etc. John Wiley Price –yes! — was amazing. Oh and the 800 lb. gorilla was mentioned, too.
But my favorite part was how Mike Rawlings compared the urgency for getting this plan shoved through to Obamacare: sometimes you just have to get ‘her done. Even if it turns out to be as messed up as Obamacare.