This is a must-read for anyone who watches HGTV’s House Hunters and almost has an aneurysm after some of the really ridiculous things homebuyers say when they’re followed around by a camera crew.
Chris Illuminati has gone and done something I’ve been wanting to do for ages: The blogger has turned some of the absolutely dumb things first-time homebuyers on House Hunters have said into memes. Any real estate aficionado likely cringes every time they watch these newbs tour listings looking for their “dream home.” SPOILER ALERT! Unless you build or plan to do extensive renovations, your “dream home” doesn’t exist! You’ll have to compromise!
Still, this is just hilarious, and fits much of what drives me crazy about this show. The cool, collected voice of host Suzanne Whang is the only thing about House Hunters that keeps me from going bonkers.
Make sure you read this somewhere far away from coworkers or sleeping babies, as you’ll be cracking up and saying “DUH!” over and over, much like what you do when you watch an episode of House Hunters. Here are a few of our favorites (All photos are from
Have you heard any of these when showing a house? What’s the most annoying thing a first-time homebuyer says when touring a listing?