Last night, if I had not known better, I might have thought Charles Manson had escaped to Texas and landed at 4001 Turtle Creek Blvd. This was the scene on the corner, and the side street was closed off. But then I remembered how Barry Lacina had called last month seeking a location to shoot a Reese Witherspoon pilot for ABC called “Broken”.
Today the shooting is happening up at Champ d’Or in Hickory Creek. Couple days up there and then it’s a wrap.
Last night and for the past four days, it was at the iconic blue-tiled roof breath-taker at 4001 Turtle Creek, the home of Greg and Susan Baten, which we wrote about back when it was on the market in 2012. It had been listed at $3,995,000 then down to $3.2. Our little post helped somewhat: Barry says Susan saw my post on his home quest and got in touch with him from Palm Springs, where I’m sure they are partying with that precious Mark Godson. Susan is one of the most talented (and beautiful) serial home renovators you will ever meet. Here is what she told Christopher Wynn:
“We just love projects,” says Baten, ever the optimist. Replacing the home’s crumbling red Spanish roof with aqua tiles was at the top of Baten’s want list. The day installation began, the contractor e-mailed the couple at their temporary residence: “Hope you like blue!” Baten hit delete and turned, stricken, to Greg: “This is going to look like the pancake house.”
Not at all: one of the most beautiful homes in Dallas, now about to showcase our Real Estate in this pilot. According to Variety…
“Broken” follows a ruthless Dallas divorce attorney, Gemma (Paquin), as her life begins to unravel when her emotionally damaged, love-addicted sister resurfaces, triggering self-destructive tendencies and exposing long-hidden family secrets. Paquin’s character is described as one of the most sought-after divorce attorneys in Dallas.
Having made a fortune off of the heartbreak of wealthy Texans, she has no desire to look back, but beneath her carefully constructed facade are layers of vulnerability, self-destruction and deeply buried trauma.
Paquin joins a cast that includes T.R. Knight, Blair Underwood and Penelope Ann Miller. Underwood will play James, Gemma’s boss and sometimes lover; Knight will play Mark, who is competing with Gemma for the same position; and Miller will play Elizabeth Hamilton, the wife of a Texas oil billionaire who is seeking revenge after having been left for a woman 20 years younger.

Anna Paquin plays a ruthless Dallas divorce attorney
Oh my, that sounds like about twenty people we know, right?