If you get tickled by a Tudor, find your verve in a Victorian, or go cuckoo for a Colonial, we have the perfect gig for you! Dallas Landmark Commission is looking for volunteers for its Landmark Historic District Task Forces. Sounds very official, right? No word on whether it comes with a badge but, fingers crossed!
According to an announcement by the City, the Task Force offers an opportunity to get involved landmark preservation.
Task Force meetings are an important step in the Certificate of Appropriateness review process that allows the Landmark Commission to gauge neighborhood support for proposed projects. During Task Force meetings, you will review proposed projects and help form a consensus to develop a recommendation for the Landmark Commission. All Task Force positions are volunteer, unpaid positions.
Task Force appointments run two years and attendance at meetings is required. Turn in your application by October 15th. Follow after the jump to see if you qualify, or for instructions on how to apply.
To qualify for a Task Force position, you must meet the following requirements:
- To qualify for a Resident position, you must currently live in the neighborhood of the historic district for which you are applying;
- For a Professional position, you must work in a related field such as architecture, architectural history, urban planning, urban design, historic real estate development, real estate appraisal, archaeology, or historic preservation. Note that some positions specifically call for Architects only. There is no residency requirement for this position, but a resume or CV is required.
- You must be available to meet for 2-3 hours once per month during your Task Force’s regularly scheduled meeting time.
For a complete listing of open volunteer positions, and step-by-step instructions on how to apply, see the City’s posting. Good luck, fellow historic architecture lovers! Direct all questions to Jennifer Anderson.